Tag Archives: Patrick Manning

Twitter Me This

Where to begin…
I suppose I should start off by saying where I have been gone all this time. Three words: World of Warcraft. I know, you didn’t think the Silver Fox had the time to be raiding with the UNC guild, but you’re wrong. I was kicked out of Parliament after all. I think when I get reinstated I will have to move with one of those Netbooks, like the Dell Mini 12 so when Patrick with those Coke-bottle frames wants to say anything I will simply claim it is a calculator. Anyway, moving right along.

So Patos is back with the blog and of course can’t stop talking about me. And forget dealing with this HCU situation (thank goodness Oma made me open that ScotiabankBE account) because Patos has to Twitter! Being the pioneer that I am, I already have my Twitter profile up and running and it has been active since last year.

This wajank had my Facebook profile removed, then comes to speak ill of me on Twitter. The poor soul believes the Twitter spam bots I have following him are real.

I also had to had the prefix “fake” to my name, for fear that Patrick does to my Twitter account what he did to my Facebook. I promise to update more often, I have received many emails, or an email with many letters, can’t remember which.


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Chicken Grease Fracas

Listen, I know there is a lot of murmur going around because of this article in The Express. Let me just say that I can explain everything. It’s quite simple, really. First, let me say that I find it totally unfair that people aim to just attack me over and over because of one or two incidents that may have taken place in the past. The media should get the full story and not just print based on what they see clear as day, regardless of what my character seems to be, to you.

First, let’s address this:

one saw the Prime Minister volunteering to go across the floor to extend the hand of friendship to all UNC MPs, while on the other one witnessed the Opposition Leader turning away before reluctantly accepting the PM’s extended hand and immediately using his handkerchief to wipe his hands clean, literally and metaphorically, of any involvement or association with Manning and his administration.

Now, don’t you think I would have a totally valid reason for doing this? Open your eyes, people! In the cafeteria we were hanging out before the bell rang for parliament and Patrick came in all show-offy with some big cardboard boxes. Inside were boxes of Church’s Chicken which Patrick bought for everyone in the PNM and none for the UNC. While they were finishing up eating, the bell rang and everyone made their way in, but guess what – NOBODY washed their hands. You expect us to shake hands with people whose hands are greasy from fried chicken and lovely smelling biscuits? I think not!(Those biscuits were smelling good, man.)

The second thing to address is this little ditty:

Sinanan rose, ordering both men to sit as he declared in a stern voice: “Gentlemen, I am on my feet.” Both men sat but Basdeo Panday shouted back defiantly: “You are on your feet, so what?”

So everyone has their arms up as though I am so disrespectful! You are the ones who should feel sad. If you were part of parliament you would know we have a running gag where the speaker is supposed to say “Simon says” but no such thing was done. Had he said “Simon says I am on my feet.” I would have remained quiet and you would not be talking about all of this over your morning coffee.

I’m still a bit angry I didn’t get one of those Church’s biscuits.


Filed under Parliament

Mansion Maniac

Oh no, the emperor is in the mansion. I hear Hazel is hiring a team of gardeners to plant the bush of the PNM logo all throughout the yard. When Ramesh confronted Patrick about this, guess what his reaction was!?


And it goes without saying I am back. TSTT’s Blinking service has been horrid. Ramesh! Get on that! Worst tech support ever!


Filed under blog, blogging

Skin Head


Oh, you thought I was lying about him having no part? Shame. I never lie, you know. That you know of.


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Friendly Gesture From Patrick


Just got wind of a press conference of some sort that took place. It was a bit impromptu but I managed to swing in for the small affair. Apparently Patrick saw what we’re trying to do with Jack’s speech impediment. Actually, I’d call it something more like an obstacle, a roadblock perhaps. He presented Jack with a brand new Hooked on Phonics program in his small speech saying:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am a humble man. But am by no means weak. Do not mistake my kindness as weakness. We are not helping the opposition, we are helping ourselves, the PNM, because we cannot debate when only one party is saying something the least bit discernable.”

In typical Patos fashion, he went on for a while, eyes were rolled and then the 15 minute event ended.

I am not sure what to make of this. I am a liar, of course I know. This is obviously an attempt to sway last minute undecided voters, but you have to come better than that Patrick! You have NOTHING to do with UNC internal issues, so stay out of what does not concern you!

This is a desperate man.

There was some talk of Ramesh being there, but I didn’t see him, nor did he come up in any pictures. He knows better than to not be where he is not wanted right?

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Filed under PNM, UNC

CFR Corruption

So Caribbean Free Radio has interviewed “Patos” and said other politicians would not have the stamina to keep up a blog. WRONG! I vow to continue blogging as long as the PNM have this man on the internet polluting the tubes with lies. Speaking of when Patos might step down from blogging, here is an interesting quote “As to whether I’ll continue blogging, that depends.”

Might I suggest November 5th?


Filed under Interviews