Monthly Archives: February 2008

Barbados and Trinidad in Fishing Cahoots?

Barbados’ Prime Minister David Thompson and Patrick Manning are involved in things I do not want to talk about, but I must. During some talks on a new fishing agreement Thompson said:

 “Neither PM Manning nor I am responsible for where fish travel in the Caribbean and all our fishermen want to do is follow them.

This of course comes after Patrick said it would not be unreasonable to have a new agreement within a year. Listen to me: FORGET ALL THAT.

What is happening right under our noses is bigger than anything you, me or Ramesh knew about. Have you ever seen the movies Men in Black? (Oma brought them home years ago thinking they were pornographic.) After seeing these movies you will know exactly what it is these two hoodlums are up to: they’ve formed a secret society comprised of the two of them in which they use a neuralyzer to get other countries in the Caribbean to agree to whatever fishing agreements they want, meaning Trinidad and Barbados may go as they please in any waters and fish to their heart’s content.


Actually, I’m hankering for some Dolphin right now, but this is a word to the wise in Trinidad and Barbados! Stay alert! And of course, I have the pitear to prove what I am saying.

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Filed under blog, blogging, fishing, secret society

Legal Issues

My Lawyers suggested I stop blogging in case I say something that would wreck my chances of having this case thrown out. It’s nothing major, something about a parking ticket. Please do not worry, it is nothing that would tarnish my reputation. At any rate, I am back in this, I believe. Blogging. And it feels good. What will feel better is going through all the nonsense the PNM is doing and I cannot wait to rip into them.

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I Am “Mashed Up”

I have no way to get around this, I have let  you down. How could I be so selfish as to not enrich your lives with what is going on in mine? I attended Mania, Kama Sutra and Beetham fetes, they were quite fun! I found it quite comical when Ramesh told me “my pressure MAD MAD MAD!” at one point in j’ouvert on Monday morning only to find out Tuesday he really did have high blood pressure at St. Clair Medical Complex. It was quite the scare.

It goes without saying that I am very much tired after the Carnival season, but as the old saying goes, the wicked never sleep. Not that I am wicked. I don’t even think that is how the saying goes. Well, it is back to work. Accept my apologies.


Filed under Carnival