Monthly Archives: September 2007

Patrick and I Are Friends

So I told you that I was going to add Patos on Facebook to see what happens. I think he is seeing the light because he accepted. Now, Patrick,  let me extend another information, to join the UNC Alliance. What do you say?


Filed under PNM, Politics, UNC, UNC Alliance

I Believe Facebook Is Full of Idiots

Being as popular as I am, you have to accept the fact that some people may become jealous. On Facebook I have received some pleasantries, but as always there will be some who want to tear you down. For that I am glad, it is what fuels me and I am more than willing to rip you a new one if you want to throw down.

However, I cannot always have it this way.

It appears that the bar wasn’t set high enough when entry into Facebook comes into question. I received an interesting message. I could not understand what it was. I will show it to you right here.

u sux trinidad worst crime evea, be like guyana old man! u b dead soon1 so go with the flow! u told old to be in politics! too old! basdeo.. more like jackass lol

I do not know if it is OK to print the person’s name or email in the computer.

I was going to dismiss it, but instead I will try to understand what this person is saying – it’s obviously a cry for help.

u sux trinidad worst crime evea” – I know it sucks, crime is in this state, but come November 5th, we can fix this.

I lied, I won’t try to figure this out, it makes my old eyes hurt being in the computer for too long. On second thought, it must be some telemarketer or something, telling me to go with Flow, but we have no alternatives to cable TV! Speaking of which, I do like me some ZeeTV, but cable service is poor as of late. How am I to enjoy my shows?

I digress.

This person is obviously a product of the PNM’s doing. We will fix you, soon enough, sir. We will fix you.


Filed under Facebook

The Facebook account

Patos has a Facebook account and you know what, so do I. I am sure if you check, mine is older than Patos’ one. Why? Because my people are on top of things. When Gillian Lucky was with us, before he defected to the COP (constantly outta timing) he told me all the students at the school he taught at were talking about the Facebook thing. So I had an account created for me. I will admit, at first, I was not the one running the account, but since I have taken an interest all of this computer stuff the account is my one.

I have sent Patrick a friend request, to see what he will do. This should prove interesting. If you wish to be my friend, add me, and when doing so, mention that you are from the blog and I will “big you up.”

Patrick not going to be able to connect with the young people like me nah.


Filed under Facebook

But what is this?

So I checking the comments on Patos blog and I seeing there is another person claiming to be me. Well I never see more!

1 Comment

Filed under Immitators

CFR Corruption

So Caribbean Free Radio has interviewed “Patos” and said other politicians would not have the stamina to keep up a blog. WRONG! I vow to continue blogging as long as the PNM have this man on the internet polluting the tubes with lies. Speaking of when Patos might step down from blogging, here is an interesting quote “As to whether I’ll continue blogging, that depends.”

Might I suggest November 5th?


Filed under Interviews

It’s Not Copying When You Do It Better

Patrick made a snide remark aimed at me because I have a blog now. What’s wrong Patrick? Figured I’d get more hits than you? It’ll be just another thing for the technologically advanced UNC to win, after elections, of course. Oma and I are learning all sorts of wonderful things about the computers, enough that I think I can “pwn” Patrick in an online debate, or any debate for that matter.

With that said, because of how much I know about the internet and computers now, and how good I am at blogging, I am not copying if I am doing it better.


Filed under Patrick Manning

And So It Begins

I was busy counting my money early this morning when Oma came in and told me about Patrick Manning having a blog. My heart raced as I began to formulate thoughts in my mind as to what it was Patrick had found out I did and was going to do to me – I thought a blog was some sort of legal jargon for a sting operation, another “Operation Anaconda” or something. Realizing I wasn’t aware of what a “blog” was, she told me it was a thing in the computer.

I brushed it off as some sort of stupid CEPEP website but she explained to me what it was. Patrick was trying to connect people on a more personal level – I of course will have none of it.

And so begins my journey in the world of blogging. Patrick thinks he can have all the say on the internet. But not so. Your boy Basdeo has tricks up his sleeve. I have been doing hours upon hours of research into the whole internet thing and I must say I am proud. I know now that the internet is not a dump truck, for example. It is a series of tubes.

I bet Patrick doesn’t know that. You see, as the future leader of this country, I am willing to make the sacrifice needed to connect with each and every person here – socially inept or not. The PNM are a bunch of  charlatans, starting blogs to “connect” with people when they don’t even understand the internet.

In an effort to connect with our younger audience, I have commissioned a committee to make me a banner that fully encompasses how important I am. While I have started wearing my red beret to show how much I am like Che Guevara and how much like Nelson Mandela I am spending time in jail for no reason, the younger generation might not understand just how important I am, so I included Leonidas from the film 300. That’s what the kids are into these days I understand. I will talk more about the PNM’s underhand tactics to connect with people via the internet. First I need to figure out why I need to “burn” a feed.


Filed under Patrick Manning, PNM, UNC