Monthly Archives: January 2008

Ra ta Too EE Car Nee Ma Ta

I’m here in India having a bawl because Oma and I went to Karni Mata and well, let’s just say underneath my shoes are less than clean! While we were there, the rats flocked to my feet. You know how they say when foreigners come down and the mosquitoes attack them and nobody else in the area that they sense the new blood? Seems to be the same issue here. Oma became frightened seeing all the rats around me. I honestly believe I could have lied down and they would have taken me all over the place.

I called Ramesh to tell him what had happened and he made a joke about the head rat going home to see the children and they were happy. We had a good laugh over it, then there was an awkward silence. We ended the conversation there.


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Is PNM Fault!

Damn right I wasn’t at the Finance Committee meeting in Parliament. The PNM seems to think they can dictate the underlying fibers of how a Government approaches things such as common courtesy. If Ramesh wants to jet set to Grenada he should be able to do so, as should I here in India. The PNM should be giving us sufficient time to go about our business elsewhere, since some of us may or may not be seeing about purchasing new houses in different countries that we don’t want the public to know about. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

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Playing Games

Still in vacation mode, but Ramesh is giving it to the PNM and their games. Their latest game? Hangman.

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I Actually Agree With The PNM

I have a smile on my face reading about the COP not being allowed into parliament. I don’t even care about the reason, I’m just glad they did it. Oh, how I long to be home again to wreak havoc on them.

Mister Duck and Run then went on to say something about the COP only spending $12 million on the last election while the UNC-A and PNM spent $249 million. I’m not sure what the point he was trying to make was exactly. Perhaps that the COP is inadequate and should not be allowed to enter parliament? That seems like it.


Filed under COP, PNM, UNC


I don’t even have to be in the country for my blood to boil over the PNM showing how useless they are. The non proclaimation of this bill shows that this Government is one filled with inadequate persons. Leave it to Ramesh to make me proud!

“You have a lot of other laws for the benefit of the country which have not been implemented and I’m not surprised they have not had any breathalyser legislation implemented. This is something that is urgent and will prevent deaths on the road, but the Government doesn’t seem to care. This is incompetence.”

I hope nobody brings up that time when we rejected Government’s proposal to not grant kidnappers bail.

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I do miss ripping the PNM a new one. Will be back soon!
Actually, I’d like to start with the President of the Police Second Division for knocking our crime plan. Keep your logic and common sense to yourself.

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Ramesh Wet Himself

Yesterday UNC A Chief Whip Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj expressed relief at Government’s announcement that it did not intend to block the UNC A’s application to have crime debated by the House of Representatives this afternoon.

“I am really relieved that the Government does not suspend the Order Paper (agenda) as it did at the Opening of Parliament, that it does not intend to repeat its conduct in suspending items on the Order Paper,” Maharaj said, referring to the recent controversy over the sudden adjournment of the House at that opening and the skipping of several items on the Order Paper.

With regard to Parsanlal’s comments that by claiming Government would try today to suspend the business of the House, Maharaj had been caught with his pants down, the Chief Whip quipped: “The criminals have left the pants of the Government down for the last seven years and so far the criminals have the Government pants down, so the issue is really whether in the debate

Ramesh, Newsday

Some behind the scenes info: Ramesh has a bladder control problem and from what I heard, this time he REALLY lost control, saying “I Am Relieved” out loud. When asked about it, he said what you read above. Does he know how to spin a sticky(, or should that be wet?) situation? Only from the UNC-A.


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ARIMA MP Pennelope Beckles’ income from Parliament will be slashed from $50,000 to roughly $20,000 per month when the former Public Utilities and Environment Minister assumes the new duty of deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives next Monday.

This is revealed in the Salaries Review Commission (SRC) 80th Report posted on the parliamentary website. Beckles will earn a basic salary of $14,700 and a transport allowance of $3,450 to $3,550, with the chance of an extra $2,000 per month for chairing a parliamentary joint select committee (JSC) as intended by Prime Minister Patrick Manning, giving her a total salary of $20,200.

Newsday Article

Well, can’t say this is surprising. News reports of Penelope taking a pay cut is interesting, but I do know the reason why this has happened. Remember wen Penelope put that album out? Apparently she was signed to PNM records and the album when the album dropped, it did just that: drop and drop and drop. It debuted at number 37438 on the Billboard charts with  3 copies sold. Meanwhile Kamla outdid her, as if it’s any surprise selling a respectable 7 copies.

PNM records needed to recoup their investment and now we are left with Penny’s pay-cut. $30, 000 less per month is a big deal, but who cares? She’s probably going to “make” that much by “other means” anyway. She’ll have to deal with that Ratty-ass offer.
I’m still on vacation but had to speak with you since I am your Prime Minister of choice, after all.


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Ramesh’s Troops

I’m vacationing here in London and reading what’s going on home. So Ramesh has taken it upon himself to call a meeting on the first set of legislation on the Parliamentary Order Paper. Whatever that is.

I hope he remembers first and foremost to give the PNM hell. Make me proud while I am out of the country. I am supposed to be in India when my vacation is over. More on that in the future.

I just hope the troops he calls upon decide to stand tall!


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New Year, Same Problems

I hope you all have a safe New Year. I say this, but not with a straight face as the PNM are still in power. At least I will still be blogging as per usual and with more frequency in 2008.

I do hope that you kept your dogs locked up as they tend to be traumatized by the fireworks that inevitably fill the sky, accompanying the noise they produce. Of course, I kept Jack in a pen in Trinidad as the noise would be way too much for him.

Here’s to 2008!

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