Monthly Archives: January 2009

Happy New Year: Back To Business

I need to apologize for being away. I had to take a trip to get some handbag for Oma, so i dipped my and in the UNC funds and was on my way. On my way back, however, we had a little stop to make which ended up with me taking a bath in the Hudson river. Lent a guy my iPhone to take a picture and he gets all the recognition. Unbelievable. The rising sun is pushed to the side, yet picture

Anyway, with that out of the way: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

With that out of the way, welcome to hell. I hope the PNM will be subsidizing belts now with the call for the banding of bellies. That is a story in and of itself though and I plan to expose that whole scenario for what it really is.

I’m back and you are welcome. Now follow me on Twitter.


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