Penny For Your Thoughts?

Most of you have been wondering why I have not said anything about the whole Penelope Beckles situation. Look, Patrick, I know you read this blog on your Blackberry, so listen up. I know a thing or two about not giving people jobs and whatnot. I sidelined Dookeran and look where it got me. You don’t want Penelope making another political party, further splitting the vote, do you? That would mean the vote is….7 times more saturated, according to Ramesh, who is never wrong. You have to watch these women, Patrick. Lucky for you, she is not going to do that, I am sure. Why? Because she actually wants to go after Kamla.

We all know Kamla is, in a secret life a very successful Rapper, selling tens of copies of her mixtapes. But there are rumblings of Penelope wanting to take what Kamla earned herself. Penny made her intentions clear, as she delivered a copy of her album to Ramesh and Jack. Pitears speak louder than words, but it seems she is putting out diss tracks for you, Patrick.


She doesn’t want that ratty-ass offer.


I think Jack’s right hand tells you exactly what he thinks of this disturbing development.


Filed under blog, blogging, Uncategorized

6 responses to “Penny For Your Thoughts?

  1. Kamla Fan

    Kamla is no. 1

    Why you don’t step down with your decrepit self and give woman power a chance?

    You and Ramesh looking like Mr Burns and Sideshow Bob in that picture.

  2. basdeopanday

    I am not in that pitear. That’s Jack and Ramesh. Typical PNM-ite, can’t pay attention to the details.

  3. Ramesh

    I completely resent the insinuation that Jack and I are anything but a handsome couple. In fact, I think he has cute fingers. He can do my prostate exam any day.


  4. Mamoo Patch

    when the 1st single comming out ?

  5. Pingback: Penny-less « The Extra Secret Blog of Basdeo Panday

  6. Pingback: And The Laptop Debacle Goes On « The Extra Secret Blog of Basdeo Panday

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